Friday, September 08, 2006

This is the FUN project I did yesterday. What a great day it turned out to be. I was scheduled to work, then they called me on Wed. p.m. to say I had lost this client. I had mixed feelings. I was relieved because 1-I really wanted more free time to make art and catch up around the house...and 2-this was a emotionally difficult client. I was also invited to go to panic due to the loss of hours ($$$). I chose to go to accepting this gift from spirit to support my goal to make a living making art. I just have to trust that this is for my well-being. I treated the day as a prectious gift and decided to take full advantage of the time, knowing that I may be working extra hours soon. I did several projects that I have been wanting to finish, but not quite getting around to doing (baking a peach cobbler,washing my comforter,cleaning the deck,shampooing the carptet and finishing the "Groovy Baby" collage. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to have these all done.
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