Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Here are my three babies. Don 't ya just hate when people talk about their pets as if they were their children-teehee. They are all old and falling apart, but I love them soooo much. The top one is Vicki(aren't her blue eyes gorgeous?), the calico one in the middle is Peanut, and the bottom orange tabby is Tin-tin(after the French comic strip). It was quite interesting to try and get close up photos.....they were way too interested in the camera, to hold still. After several attempts, I figured out to switch to sports mode on the camera. This past weekend I made an encaustic collage out of all three pictures. As soon as I can get a photo, I'll post.
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At 1:19 AM , Blogger JIMENABELEN said...

i have a little cat too... your babies are really nice an sweet


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