Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here in the Northwest it is apparent that Fall is at our doorsteps. The days are noticeably shorter. The light comes from more of an angle (my favorite) and the shadows are longer. The bushes are filling up with spider webs. The plants are going to seed and I just harvested the last of my heirloom tomatoes. Time to hurry and finish any summer only tasks...I call this squirrel energy (watch the squirrels run around gathering up their stores for the winter). It's time to start eating root energy food (things that grow under the ground) ie: yellow onions, carrots, beets,etc. And things that grow close to the ground (squash) mixed in with the end of the summer harvest. This helps us slow down and go deep inside ready for the winter. Just look in your gardens, watch the plants. They know what to do as they start to drop their fruits (seeds) and pull their energy into the roots. What do you need to drop/let go of so you can have a nice peacefull winter. There is time for a last of the season garage sale........


At 5:28 AM , Blogger Chelsae said...

I love this thought Ellison! You've stated it so wonderfully and now I shall go make my list of things I need to drop or put to rest before winter comes. What a great way to let go of issues you might be dealing with and to become fresh for a new spring after the cold winter!


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