Monday, August 14, 2006

Good morning, it's money monday. How's your money doing? If you treated your friends the same way you treated your money would they still be your friends? hmmmm Even better, if you treated your money the same way you treated your good friends, would you have more of it?Do you have a stronger relationship with debt than with money? Maybe it's time for a change. For a great money management system check out The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Ecker at Peak Potentials. See if you can do just one simple little thing today to have a better relationship with your money. How about finding out EXACTLY how much debt you have. There is power in knowledge. Ellison

p.s. Well, I finally did it, I posted my art to sell online. This has been a 2yr dream...with at least a year of serious procrastination (can you say chicken?). I'm so proud of my self. Check it out at


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