Saturday, January 12, 2008

I can't believe it is Jan. already!!! I'm having a hard time posting regularly. I can't seem to remember my password to sign in-lol. My mantra for this year is "Life is great in '08!!!" Feel free to use it. I can't say I'm sorry 2007 seven is over. It was a year filled with death, growth and an internal deepening. This year feels so hopeful. If nothing else happens, at least we will get rid of Bush (who should never have been there in the first place). I just got a new "lime green" cell phone and a bluetooth(since mine is pink, I call it a pinktooth) so I'm feeling the advancement of my technical capability. I don't believe in New Years resolutions. They feel like "should" and "shouldn'ts" which I don't believe is a good thing. Besides if you were going to do what ever it is you pick, you would already be doing it. So why would you want to set a goal that you aren't willing to do????? Several of my friends and I do a "theme" for the year. I have to say the theme usually picks me (instead of me picking it-tee-hee). I like to do some activity on New Years Day that reflects my theme and sets the tone for the year. The first year I did this I borrowed from someone else the theme of "extreme self care" and several girlfriends and I went to the spa on Jan !st. So far, my favorite theme has been "ease". It was a lot of fun having a whole year of having my life be easy. This year my theme is "open handed" (it's really open handed, open hearted, open minded). So far it's showing up as being in the moment, with the what is....kind of open to life. I like it so far, even though it has been showing up strongly. Yippee, maybe I'm done with "doing it the hard way".


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