Monday, July 02, 2007

I applied with 3 paintings (that I love) to the Arts Council of Snohomish County's juried art show. You guessed it....REJECTED. Needless to say I am very disappointed. Then today in the mail came the letter from Artist Trust telling me I didn't get the grant I applied for...REJECTED. I have to admit I'm finding it VERY difficult to keep going. I just figure my severe disappointment is telling me how important this is for me, so of course I can't give up. Maybe I'm just getting all my rejection taken care of early so I won't have to worry about it later.-lol I'm looking at the quality of my photography and application package to see if that might be the problem. I really hope that it isn't because my art is "crappy". I certainly see some that is much worse than the shows that have turned me down. Let me know what you think. Got 2 go, I figure I still have a couple of hours left on a 10min photoshop project.-lol


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