Thursday, November 30, 2006

We have had several days of snow and ice. This is not a common event in Seattle area and most of us are so unprepared for this. I'm sure that other areas laugh at us as the entire area comes to a screeching halt with a little snow. I blame it on lots of moisture (ice) and lots of hills-teehee. Today is my day off and I do mean off....I can't get motivated to do anything. I haven't even gotten dressed yet, and have no plans to. I know I would be so happy with a little burst of energy/productivity. It would feel so good to get some cleaning or sorting done, I'm always so far behind. I haven't made anything for a couple of weeks and haven't entered anything on my etsy sight and have 0 visits. Oh well, I really don't think anything that requires any energy will happen. I'm just glad I'm not beating myself up about it. I would love to hear what any of you out there do when there are more projects than there is energy to do them.


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