Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Well, I spent the entire day doing a couple of 10min. tasks. This is what I call a Mercury retrograde kind of day. Thanks to a sweet angel from one of my yahoo groups, I finally got a banner on my etsy shop. I have neglected etsy for so long (as I worked on a new body of work) that everything expired. Since I have some new things, this seems like a good time to sort of start over. I tried to put my new banner (thanks Tejae) on here, but couldn't figure it out. In my next life I hope I'm more of a computer geek.-teehee. Above (I hope) are a few of my newest art projects. I call them "little funny face" they are fabric pins that came to me in a dream. I am having so much fun with them and even sold 3 to artists at the Bellevue Art Fair at the end of July.


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