Sunday, August 26, 2007

On Sat. Aug 25th 2007 Vicki died in my arms after a long battle with colon cancer. She came into my life 16 years ago as an approximately 3 week old feral kitten. I bottle fed her and had to teach her how to use a litter box. She claimed me as her mother and nursed on my finger at bed time for much of her life. She was quite the princess and loved to be the center of attention. She had a tiny high pitched mew and as you can see from the picture, beautiful blue eyes. She was a great source of joy and affection and she is greatly missed. I am so glad she is finally free from her illness. This is the second loss of a beloved fur friend in two weeks. My house is not the same. I will grieve AND now turn my attention to the celebration of still having Peanut (the last of my 3 cats) in my life. She misses her life long companions, but always wanted to be an only child and will enjoy the undivided attention.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

BORN MAY 27TH 1989-DIED AUGUST 13,2007
TIN TIN Nelson-James
Beloved cat of Ellison James
died with assistance on Monday morning from complication of a stroke on Sunday. He was a sweet spirit that brought much joy to those who knew him. He had a voracious appetite, and especially loved anything carbohydrate and salmon flavored hairball medicine. He had a long life always living with Ellison. He also had 3 litters with Peanut, his companion of 16years. He was the best "mom" bathing, nurturing and sometimes even trying to nurse his babies. He was a great companion and teacher for Ellison. He was the one that taught me to love animals. His absence is felt in our home but I am glad he is free to run with the tigers.
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Below is a sample of my latest (and most fun) art project. They came to me in a dream, and at first I planned on just making one for a good friend's birthday. I guess I just got carried away...I'.m working on number 35. I'm thinking of selling them on my etsy store ( as soon as I finish a little more research on my target market. Let me know what you think. I would also like some feedback on the price. Isn't that always the trick?

The green, orange. and pink one below is the one I always wear.

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Well, I spent the entire day doing a couple of 10min. tasks. This is what I call a Mercury retrograde kind of day. Thanks to a sweet angel from one of my yahoo groups, I finally got a banner on my etsy shop. I have neglected etsy for so long (as I worked on a new body of work) that everything expired. Since I have some new things, this seems like a good time to sort of start over. I tried to put my new banner (thanks Tejae) on here, but couldn't figure it out. In my next life I hope I'm more of a computer geek.-teehee. Above (I hope) are a few of my newest art projects. I call them "little funny face" they are fabric pins that came to me in a dream. I am having so much fun with them and even sold 3 to artists at the Bellevue Art Fair at the end of July.